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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package IdHIE.0v#0.0.1 (219 ms)

Package IdHIE.0v
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=IdHIE.0v@0.0.1&canonical=http://fhir.hie.moh.gov.id/CodeSystem/drug-cautionary-id-core
Url http://fhir.hie.moh.gov.id/CodeSystem/drug-cautionary-id-core
Version 1.0.0
Status active
Date 2023-06-07T07:16:10.3933867+00:00
Name CodeSystemDrugCautionaryIdCore
Title CodeSystemDrugCautionary (ID Core)
Experimental False
Description Drug Cautionary
Content complete

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http://fhir.hie.moh.gov.id/ValueSet/drug-cautionary-id-core ValueSetDrugCautionary (ID Core)

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CodeSystemDrugCautionary (ID Core)


Drug Cautionary


  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "code-system-drug-cautionary-id-core",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><h2>CodeSystemDrugCautionary (ID Core)</h2><tt>http://fhir.hie.moh.gov.id/CodeSystem/drug-cautionary-id-core</tt><p>Drug Cautionary</p></div>"
  "url" : "http://fhir.hie.moh.gov.id/CodeSystem/drug-cautionary-id-core",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "CodeSystemDrugCautionaryIdCore",
  "title" : "CodeSystemDrugCautionary (ID Core)",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2023-06-07T07:16:10.3933867+00:00",
  "description" : "Drug Cautionary",
  "compositional" : false,
  "content" : "complete",
  "count" : 110,
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "10",
      "display" : "-",
      "definition" : "-"
      "code" : "20",
      "display" : "2 jam sebelum paparan sinar matahari",
      "definition" : "2 hours prior to exposure of sunlight"
      "code" : "30",
      "display" : "Hindari alkohol dan jus anggur",
      "definition" : "Avoid alcohol and grapefruit juice"
      "code" : "40",
      "display" : "Hindari minuman beralkohol",
      "definition" : "Avoid alcoholic drink"
      "code" : "50",
      "display" : "Hindari antasida",
      "definition" : "Avoid antacids"
      "code" : "60",
      "display" : "Hindari kontak dengan mata",
      "definition" : "Avoid contact with eyes"
      "code" : "70",
      "display" : "Hindari kontak dengan mata, mulut atau selaput lendir lainnya",
      "definition" : "Avoid contact with eyes, mouth or other mucous membrane"
      "code" : "80",
      "display" : "Hindari kontak dengan mata atau wajah",
      "definition" : "Avoid contact with eyes or face"
      "code" : "90",
      "display" : "Hindari kontak dengan mata atau selaput lendir",
      "definition" : "Avoid contact with eyes or mucous membrane"
      "code" : "100",
      "display" : "Hindari paparan sinar matahari",
      "definition" : "Avoid exposure to sunlight"
      "code" : "110",
      "display" : "Hindari makanan, susu dan produk susu",
      "definition" : "Avoid food, milk and milk products"
      "code" : "120",
      "display" : "Hindari jus anggur",
      "definition" : "Avoid grapefruit juice"
      "code" : "130",
      "display" : "Hindari cahaya. Buang delapan minggu setelah pembukaan.",
      "definition" : "Avoid light. Discard eight weeks after opening."
      "code" : "140",
      "display" : "Hindari susu, antasida dan persiapan seng / zat besi",
      "definition" : "Avoid milk, antacid and zinc/iron preparation"
      "code" : "150",
      "display" : "Hindari susu, makanan, dan antasida",
      "definition" : "Avoid milk, food and antacids"
      "code" : "160",
      "display" : "Hindari obat lain dalam waktu 2 jam",
      "definition" : "Avoid other medication within 2 hours"
      "code" : "170",
      "display" : "Hindari obat lain dalam 2 jam. Hindari es krim susu",
      "definition" : "Avoid other medication within 2 hrs. Avoid milk ice cream"
      "code" : "180",
      "display" : "Hindari kehamilan. Hindari alkohol",
      "definition" : "Avoid pregnancy. Avoid alcohol"
      "code" : "184",
      "display" : "Hindari kehamilan dan menyusui",
      "definition" : "Avoid pregnancy and lactation"
      "code" : "190",
      "display" : "Hindari kehamilan selama perawatan",
      "definition" : "Avoid pregnancy during treatment"
      "code" : "200",
      "display" : "Hindari merokok alkohol",
      "definition" : "Avoid smoking alcohol"
      "code" : "210",
      "display" : "Hindari mengonsumsi makanan kaya serat dalam jumlah besar",
      "definition" : "Avoid taking large amount fibre-rich food"
      "code" : "220",
      "display" : "Hindari penggunaan pada wajah karena dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit wajah",
      "definition" : "Avoid use on the face as it may cause facial skin irritation"
      "code" : "230",
      "display" : "Dapat mengiritasi selaput lendir mata",
      "definition" : "Can be irritant to mucous membrane eyes"
      "code" : "234",
      "display" : "Tidak dianjurkan untuk anak",
      "definition" : "Child not recommended"
      "code" : "240",
      "display" : "Hubungi dokter jika terjadi reaksi yang merugikan",
      "definition" : "Contact doctor if adverse reaction occurs"
      "code" : "250",
      "display" : "Hubungi dokter jika terjadi reaksi alergi",
      "definition" : "Contact doctor if allergic reaction occurs"
      "code" : "260",
      "display" : "Hubungi dokter jika terjadi tanda-tanda perdarahan",
      "definition" : "Contact doctor if any sign of bleeding occurs"
      "code" : "270",
      "display" : "Kontraindikasi pada kehamilan dan menyusui",
      "definition" : "Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation"
      "code" : "280",
      "display" : "Sitotoksik. Tangani dengan hati-hati",
      "definition" : "Cytotoxic. Handle with care"
      "code" : "290",
      "display" : "Hari 8-14: Minum 1 tablet biru (1mg) 2 kali sehari",
      "definition" : "Day 8-14: Take 1 blue tablet (1mg) 2 times a day"
      "code" : "300",
      "display" : "Buang 1 bulan setelah pembukaan/ TANGGAL PEMBUKAAN:_ _ _ _",
      "definition" : "Discard 1 month after opening/ OPENING DATE:_ _ _ _"
      "code" : "310",
      "display" : "Buang 5 hari setelah pengenceran",
      "definition" : "Discard 5 days after dilution"
      "code" : "320",
      "display" : "Buang 7 hari setelah pembukaan. TANGGAL PEMBUKAAN:_ _ _ _",
      "definition" : "Discard 7 days after opening. OPENING DATE:_ _ _ _"
      "code" : "330",
      "display" : "Jangan dioleskan pada luka terbuka atau terbakar",
      "definition" : "Do not apply to open wounds or burnt"
      "code" : "340",
      "display" : "Jangan mengunyah/menghancurkan tablet",
      "definition" : "Do not chew/ crush tablet"
      "code" : "350",
      "display" : "Jangan encerkan dengan larutan dekstrosa",
      "definition" : "Do not dilute with dextrose solution"
      "code" : "360",
      "display" : "Jangan encerkan dengan Larutan Saline (Sodium Chloride)",
      "definition" : "Do not dilute with Saline Solution (Sodium Chloride)"
      "code" : "370",
      "display" : "Jangan menghentikan obat secara tiba-tiba. Hindari minuman beralkohol",
      "definition" : "Do not stop medicine abruptly. Avoid alcoholic drinks"
      "code" : "380",
      "display" : "Jangan menghentikan obat tanpa anjuran dokter",
      "definition" : "Do not stop medicine without doctor's advice"
      "code" : "390",
      "display" : "Jangan hentikan obat ini secara tiba-tiba.",
      "definition" : "Do not stop this medicine abruptly."
      "code" : "400",
      "display" : "Jangan berhenti tanpa saran dokter. Hindari minuman beralkohol",
      "definition" : "Do not stop without doctor's advice. Avoid alcoholic drinks"
      "code" : "410",
      "display" : "Jangan berhenti tanpa saran dokter. Hindari merokok",
      "definition" : "Do not stop without doctor's advice. Avoid smoking"
      "code" : "420",
      "display" : "Jangan menelan larutan",
      "definition" : "Do not swallow solution"
      "code" : "430",
      "display" : "Jangan langsung menelan obat ini",
      "definition" : "Do not swallow this medicine immediately"
      "code" : "440",
      "display" : "Jangan menelan seluruh tablet",
      "definition" : "Do not swallow whole tablet"
      "code" : "450",
      "display" : "Jangan minum 2 jam sebelum atau sesudah minum antasida",
      "definition" : "Do not take 2 hours before or after taking antacids"
      "code" : "460",
      "display" : "Jangan minum lebih dari 2 tablet sekaligus / 8 tablet sehari.",
      "definition" : "Do not take more than 2 tablets at a time/ 8 tablets a day."
      "code" : "470",
      "display" : "Jangan minum lebih dari 8 tablet sehari",
      "definition" : "Do not take more than 8 tablets a day"
      "code" : "480",
      "display" : "Jangan mengambil dengan perut kosong",
      "definition" : "Do not take with an empty stomach"
      "code" : "490",
      "display" : "Jangan minum dengan antasida dan susu",
      "definition" : "Do not take with antacids and milk"
      "code" : "500",
      "display" : "Jangan gunakan lebih dari 7 hari",
      "definition" : "Do not use more than 7 days"
      "code" : "510",
      "display" : "Makanan/minuman tidak boleh diminum dalam waktu 2 jam",
      "definition" : "Food/ drink should not be taken within 2 hours"
      "code" : "520",
      "display" : "Hanya untuk pemakaian luar",
      "definition" : "For external use only"
      "code" : "524",
      "display" : "Untuk penggunaan topikal",
      "definition" : "For topical use"
      "code" : "530",
      "display" : "Selanjutnya encerkan dengan ______ NS. Inf____ jam",
      "definition" : "Further dilute with ______ NS. Inf ____ hr"
      "code" : "540",
      "display" : "Simpan di Kulkas (2-8 C). Jangan Bekukan",
      "definition" : "Keep in Refrigerator (2-8 C). Do not Freeze"
      "code" : "550",
      "display" : "Batasi paparan sinar matahari",
      "definition" : "Limit exposure to sunlight"
      "code" : "552",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan konstipasi atau gangguan GI",
      "definition" : "May cause constipation or GI disturbances"
      "code" : "554",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan pusing saat berdiri, berdiri secara bertahap",
      "definition" : "May cause dizziness on standing, stand up gradually"
      "code" : "560",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan kantuk",
      "definition" : "May cause drowsiness"
      "code" : "570",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan kantuk. Hindari jus anggur",
      "definition" : "May cause drowsiness. Avoid grapefruit juice"
      "code" : "580",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan kantuk. Jangan mengemudi atau mengoperasikan mesin",
      "definition" : "May cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate machinery"
      "code" : "590",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan kantuk. Jangan berhenti tanpa saran dokter",
      "definition" : "May cause drowsiness. Do not stop without doctor's advice"
      "code" : "600",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan kantuk. Jangan minum dengan antasida",
      "definition" : "May cause drowsiness. Do not take with antacids"
      "code" : "610",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan gangguan pencernaan",
      "definition" : "May cause gastrointestinal disturbance"
      "code" : "620",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan fotosensitivitas. Hindari sinar matahari",
      "definition" : "May cause photosensitivity. Avoid sunlight"
      "code" : "630",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan mengantuk, dissiness, mulut kering, sembelit",
      "definition" : "May cause somnolence, dissiness, dry mouth, constipation"
      "code" : "634",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan hilangnya sensasi dan aktivitas motorik sementara",
      "definition" : "May cause temporary loss of sensation and motor activity"
      "code" : "640",
      "display" : "Dapat mengganggu kemampuan mengemudi atau mengoperasikan mesin",
      "definition" : "May impair ability to drive or operate machinery"
      "code" : "650",
      "display" : "Dapat menodai kulit dan pakaian",
      "definition" : "May stain skin and clothing"
      "code" : "660",
      "display" : "Tidak dianjurkan pada anak kurang dari 2 tahun",
      "definition" : "Not recommended in children less than 2 years old"
      "code" : "670",
      "display" : "Tidak cocok untuk anak di bawah 6 tahun. Hindari kontak dengan mata",
      "definition" : "Not suitable for child below 6yrs.Avoid contact with eyes"
      "code" : "680",
      "display" : "Tidak cocok untuk anak-anak",
      "definition" : "Not suitable for children"
      "code" : "690",
      "display" : "Tidak untuk dikonsumsi",
      "definition" : "Not to be consumed"
      "code" : "700",
      "display" : "Tidak untuk ditelan",
      "definition" : "Not to be swallowed"
      "code" : "710",
      "display" : "Hanya untuk aplikasi tunggal",
      "definition" : "Only for single application"
      "code" : "712",
      "display" : "Lindungi obat ini dari cahaya",
      "definition" : "Protect this medicine from light"
      "code" : "714",
      "display" : "Lindungi obat ini dari kelembaban dan cahaya",
      "definition" : "Protect this medicine from moisture and light"
      "code" : "716",
      "display" : "Kocok sebelum digunakan. Simpan dalam lemari pendingin (2-8 C) setelah dilarutkan",
      "definition" : "Shake well before use. Keep refrigerated (2-8 C) after reconstitution"
      "code" : "718",
      "display" : "Cari saran medis selama tanda-tanda pertama pankreatitis (misalnya sakit perut, mual, muntah, dan an",
      "definition" : "Seek medical advice during first signs of pancreatitis (e.g. abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and an"
      "code" : "720",
      "display" : "Segera dapatkan saran medis dari dokter / apoteker Anda",
      "definition" : "Seek medical advice from your doctor/pharmacist immediately"
      "code" : "730",
      "display" : "Harus mengambil dengan banyak air",
      "definition" : "Should take with plenty of water"
      "code" : "740",
      "display" : "Hentikan pengobatan. Konsultasikan dengan dokter/apoteker",
      "definition" : "Stop medication. Consult your doctor/pharmacist"
      "code" : "750",
      "display" : "Hentikan pengobatan jika terjadi reaksi alergi",
      "definition" : "Stop treatment if allergic reaction occurs"
      "code" : "760",
      "display" : "Ambil minimal 1 jam sebelum makanan, minuman atau pengobatan pertama",
      "definition" : "Take atleast 1 hr before first food, drink or medication"
      "code" : "770",
      "display" : "Minum obat selama 21 hari. Istirahat selama 7 hari",
      "definition" : "Take medicine for 21days. Rest for 7days"
      "code" : "780",
      "display" : "Diminum saat perut kosong 1 jam sebelum atau 2 jam setelah makan",
      "definition" : "Take on an empty stomach 1 hr before or 2 hr after food"
      "code" : "790",
      "display" : "TERATOGENIK: Tangani dengan hati-hati",
      "definition" : "TERATOGENIC: Handle with care"
      "code" : "800",
      "display" : "Obat ini dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit",
      "definition" : "This medicine can cause skin irritation"
      "code" : "810",
      "display" : "Obat ini bukan untuk penggunaan jangka panjang",
      "definition" : "This medicine is not for long-term use"
      "code" : "820",
      "display" : "Obat ini bisa mengubah warna feses atau urin",
      "definition" : "This medicine may alter the colour of stool or urine"
      "code" : "830",
      "display" : "Obat ini bisa mengubah warna urin",
      "definition" : "This medicine may alter the colour of urine"
      "code" : "840",
      "display" : "Gunakan sesuai petunjuk apoteker",
      "definition" : "Use as directed by pharmacist"
      "code" : "850",
      "display" : "Gunakan sesuai petunjuk apoteker. Kocok sebelum digunakan",
      "definition" : "Use as directed by pharmacist. Shake well before use"
      "code" : "870",
      "display" : "Hindari ALKOHOL.",
      "definition" : "Avoid ALCOHOL."
      "code" : "880",
      "display" : "Hindari susu, antasida dan preparat besi",
      "definition" : "Avoid milk, antacid and iron preparation"
      "code" : "890",
      "display" : "Hindari daerah periorbital",
      "definition" : "Avoid periorbital area"
      "code" : "900",
      "display" : "Dapat mengiritasi selaput lendir dan mata",
      "definition" : "Can be irritant to mucous membrane and eyes"
      "code" : "910",
      "display" : "Hari 2-3: Minum 80mg cap/tab sekali sehari",
      "definition" : "Day2-3: Take 80mg cap/tab once a day"
      "code" : "920",
      "display" : "Buang 7 hari setelah pembukaan. TANGGAL PEMBUKAAN:_ _ _ _",
      "definition" : "Discard 7 days after opening. OPENING DATE:_ _ _ _"
      "code" : "930",
      "display" : "Buang ____ hari setelah pembukaan: TANGGAL PEMBUKAAN: ________",
      "definition" : "Discard ____ days after opening: OPENING DATE: ________"
      "code" : "940",
      "display" : "Buang vial/ampul segera setelah digunakan",
      "definition" : "Discard vial/ampoule immediately after use"
      "code" : "950",
      "display" : "JANGAN DITELAN",
      "definition" : "DO NOT SWALLOW"
      "code" : "960",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan kantuk. Hindari alkohol",
      "definition" : "May cause drowsiness. Avoid alcohol"
      "code" : "970",
      "display" : "Dapat menyebabkan kantuk. Jangan mengemudi atau mengoperasikan mesin",
      "definition" : "May cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate machine"
      "code" : "980",
      "display" : "Dapat mengganggu kemampuan mengemudi atau mengoperasikan mesin",
      "definition" : "May impair ability to drive or operate machine"
      "code" : "990",
      "display" : "BUKAN UNTUK DIKONSUMSI",
      "definition" : "NOT FOR CONSUMPTION"
      "code" : "1000",
      "display" : "Ambil ____ ML dan buang _____ ML",
      "definition" : "Take ____ ML and discard _____ ML"
      "code" : "1010",
      "display" : "Ambil/Gunakan sesuai petunjuk dokter/apoteker",
      "definition" : "Take/Use as directed by doctor/pharmacist"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.